57 research outputs found

    Pendidikan Pancasila

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    Membangun Kemandirian Siswa Melalui Pendidikan Karakter

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    Pendidikan nasional Indonesia saat ini masih menghadapi berbagai persoalan. Capaian hasil pendidikan masih belum memenuhi hasil yang diharapkan. Pembelajaran di sekolah belum mampu membentuk secara utuh pribadi lulusan yang mencerminkan karakter dan budaya bangsa. Proses pendidikan masih menitikberatkan dan memfokuskan capaiannya secara kognitif. Sementara, aspek afektif pada diri peserta didik yang merupakan bekal kuat untuk hidup di masyarakat belum dikembangkan secara optimal. Karena itu, pendidikan karakter dan budaya bangsa merupakan seatu keniscayaan untuk dikembangkan di sekolah. Sekolah sebagai pusat perubahan perlu mengupayakan secara sungguh-sungguh pendidikan yang berbasis karakter dan budaya bangsa. Karakter dan budaya bangsa yang dikembangkan di sekolah harus diselaraskan dengan karakter dan budaya lokal, regional, dan nasional. Untuk itu, pendidikan karakter dan budaya bangsa perlu dikembangkan berdasarkan kemandirian siswa

    The Role of Citizenship Education in Raising Awareness of Complying with Campus Rules and Regulations at UIN North Sumatra Medan

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    This research aims to analyze the role of citizenship education in raising awareness of obeying campus rules and regulations at the North Sumatra State Islamic University, Medan. This type of research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive analysis study method. Data collection used observation, interviews and document study methods. Next, the data was analyzed using data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this research conclude that citizenship education plays an important role in shaping student awareness and behavior regarding campus rules and regulations at UIN North Sumatra Medan. Through citizenship education courses, students gain a deep understanding of the rights and obligations as citizens, the importance of active participation in democratic life, and how to transcend differences to achieve understanding and peace. Furthermore, the role of citizenship education in awareness of obeying campus rules and regulations at UIN North Sumatra is to create students who are disciplined, intelligent and responsible in living campus life. Students become more aware of their rights and obligations as citizens, as well as respecting differences and following applicable rules

    Peran BK Dalam Pengamalan Nilai-Nilai Pancasila

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    Pancasila is often heard and active in everyday life, Pancasila as a national ideology is the result of an agreement with the nation with pluralism that exists in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Pancasila is a solution in uniting the Indonesian people who are famous for their richness in Indonesia. In the life of nation and state, Pancasila value can only to be considered and discussed a little but negligently and are also very reluctant to practice them in daily life. Today should be approved, internalized and practiced in accordance with the philosophy that exists in everyday life, the Indonesian State will advance and become a great country. Pancasila values that often arise in the life of Indonesian society are the many cases of attacks by religious groups and even sealing places of worship of certain religions. Then, the increasing number of human rights in the past, racism which is increasingly increasing, more diverse groups and want to be resolved by themselves from the nation, in the concept of deliberation which is increasingly changing because there are improvements, often with elections / unilateral. Read more about visiting finishes and wearing the order that is on the nation sharp down and blunt up. Everything here needs to be asked. The maximum value of the form of understanding, appreciation and practice of the values of the Pancasila will be peeled with various roles of counseling in applying the values of the Pancasila

    The Role Of School Head Communications In SMP IT Al-Afkari

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    Communication is the key to the achievement of an Islamic educational institution or organization. Without good communication, an organization or organization will not succeed and will not run well. that communication becomes an important role in life and social life. If communication is carried out properly, an organization and organization will run effectively and efficiently. The ability to communicate will determine the success or failure of a manager (leader) and its members who are active in voicing ideas and ideas on the topic of the problem being discussed. Therefore, the progression of an institution or institution depends on the organizational ability of the leader and its members as well as the interaction and communication that occurs in it. For this reason, the contents of this article talk about the role of communication in Islamic education management

    Pancasila Dalam Konteks Pendidikan Nilai

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    the educational world has signs which became a reference for a goal that must be achieved nationally, that in a sense is very important and interesting for the mind that 1945 Preamble explicitly mentions about "the intellectual life the nation "as one of the objectives of the formation of the Government of our country based on the Pancasila. In other words one of the ideals of freedom that was about to be realized with the formation of the Government of our country is accomplishing the life of the nation Indonesia. Pancasila education in the context of the value of being a national education goals hatched in the perspective of standards of conduct. Size that determines a person's personality criteria precisely the characters into a color against the behavior of someone. Thus in the context of pancasila values education is basically a process of internalization of values against the students that students can understand, appreciate and do practice the values of pancasila and behave in a He thought well and does not conflict with the norms in force

    Konsep Dasar Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan Dalam Membangun Karakter Siswa

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    Pendidikan Nasional Indonesia saat ini masih menghadapi berbagai persoalan. Capaian hasil pendidikan masih belum memenuhi hasil yang diharapkan. Pembelajaran di sekolah belum mampu membentuk secara utuh pribadi lulusan yang mencerminkan karakter dan budaya bangsa. Proses pendidikan masih menitik beratkan dan memfokuskan capaiannya secara kognitif. Sementara, aspek afektif pada diri peserta didik yang merupakan bekal kuat untuk hidup di masyarakat belum dikembangkan secara optimal. Karena itu, pendidikan karakter dan budaya bangsa merupakan seatu keniscayaan untuk dikembangkan di sekolah. Sekolah sebagai pusat perubahan perlu mengupayakan secara sungguh-sungguh pendidikan yang berbasis karakter dan budaya bangsa. Karakter dan budaya bangsa yang dikembangkan di sekolah harus diselaraskan dengan karakter dan budaya lokal, regional, dan nasional. Untuk itu, pendidikan karakter dan budaya bangsa perlu dikembangkan berdasarkan kemandirian siswa. Adapun hubungan pendidikan karakter dengan pendidikan bahwa pendidikan karakter dapat dimaknai sebagai pendidikan nilai, pendidikan budi pekerti, pendidikan moral, pendidikan watak, yang bertujuan mengembangkan kemampuan siswa untuk memberikan keputusan baik-buruk, memelihara kebaikan, mewujudkan dan menebar kebaikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dengan sepenuh hati. Dalam hal ini topik dalam pembahasan ini diharapkan mampu menjadi wacana aplikatif dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara


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    The concept of management theory aims to help a group of students in the class to build good group work to achieve learning goals as effectively and efficiently as possible. Class management is often a problem faced by teachers in learning activities, so learning objectives become a problem. To make an effort to increase student interest in learning and learning outcomes that become one of the determinants is what is done in the classroom so the class management must be a concern to be managed properly, professionally, and continuous. The discussion in this study implies to becomes an understanding in increasing student interest in learning by understanding general matters and principles of classroom management. Keyword: Increasing Student, Interests, Management.
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